
Dental Nurse Course Tutors

Mrs J Hatchard RDN Cert OHE AMRSH Cert Radiog Cert Den Sed FAETC Cert Ed [FE]
LCGI   FBADN                                                                                                                                    Practice Manager and Chief DN Trainer: Bracknell Emergency, Routine and Cosmetic Dentists @ Glenmore       Serving Member of BADN Council [British Association of Dental Nurses] She was awarded “Outstanding Contribution to Dental Nursing 2013” by the BADN

Dr S Schneider BDS FAETC Cert Ed[FE] MEd [Oxon] Practice Owner: Bracknell Emergency, Routine and Cosmetic Dentists @ Glenmore

Mrs Hatchard and Dr Schneider are Serving Examiners: NEBDN Oral Health Education

Mrs C Patel RDN Cert Radiog  Cert Den Sed Bachelor of Science: Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics. [India] Bachelor of Education [India]. PTLLS. She has worked extensively in General Practice and is now the Lead Dental Advisor DN for Berkshire out-of-hours PCT. She is a keen member of the BADN.

Visiting Tutor for the practical modules, Dental Sedation Nursing: Dr T Day BDS LDS RCS [Eng]

Visiting Dental Sedation Nursing Demonstration Assistant for the practical modules, Dental Sedation Nursing: Miss Katherine Harvey RDN Cert Radiography Cert Dental Sedation Nursing

All Tutors are registered with the General Dental Council – GDC 

IF ANY EMPLOYING DENTIST WISHES TO OBSERVE A LECTURE, [on any course] OR TO SEE THE TEACHING METHODS WE USE, THEY ARE VERY WELCOME. Just come along. [No other persons will be allowed into the lectures.]